12 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling to San Francisco with Kids

12 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling to
San Francisco with Kids



When visiting San Francisco with kids, you’ll want to stay clear of some common mistakes that many tourist make when visiting the City by the Bay. 


In this post, we’ll talk about ways you and your family can avoid these mistakes so that you can truly make the most out of your San Francisco adventure.


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overhead view of downtown san francsico
Photo by Jared Erondu on Unsplash

Creating a Great Family Trip to
San Francisco

San Francisco is a wonderful place to visit with the family because there’s so much to see and do. Plus, it doesn’t fit the popular, sunny-California cliche, which is great! 


Whether you want to chow down on seafood at Fisherman’s Wharf, indulge in decadent chocolates at Ghirardelli Square, or walk through the eerie prison house on Alcatraz, San Francisco offers countless exciting ways to spend quality time with the kids.


However, going to San Francisco without fully understanding the culture, weather, and geography of the City can definitely put quite a damper on your vacation, but don’t worry!


As a San Francisco native and mom, raising two kids in this amazing city, I’ve got your back!


In this post we’ll be covering 12 common mistakes first-time visitors make when traveling to San Francisco and tips on how to avoid them. Keeping these tips in mind will help you avoid the mishaps, so you can can truly stay present with your family during your unforgettable stay.


And stick around until the end for some other unique ways to spend time in the 

San Francisco.


What is
San Francisco
known for?

  • Golden Gate Bridge
  • Hills…lots of them
  • Alcatraz
  • The Full House house
  • The Mrs. Doubtfire house
  • Fog, which locals have lovingly named, “Karl the Fog”
  • Diverse cultures
  • Cable cars
  • Expensive city to live in (for good reason)
  • Amazing foodie town
  • Eclectic locals
  • Environmentally conscious
  • Early settlement during the Gold Rush
hilly san francisco street with the Bay Bridge in the Background
Photo by Y S on Unsplash

Where is San Francisco located?

San Francisco is a Northern California city situated on a peninsula  sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay. It is one of the major cities on the west coast of the United States of America.


To the north of San Francisco lies towns like Sausalito and scenic areas like the Marin Headlands. This area is easily accessible from San Francisco thanks to the famous Golden Gate Bridge.


To the east of San Francisco you’ll find Berkeley, an eclectic college town, which you can easily get to from the city by crossing the Bay Bridge.


South of San Francisco is where you’ll find cute costal towns like Half Moon Bay. And further inland, just an hour south of San Francisco, is where you’ll also come across Silicon Valley, the mecca of innovation and technology. 

painted ladies in san francisco, california
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Major Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling to San Francisco with Children

San Francisco is a popular California city for many jet-setting families because of it’s charm, diversity, and beauty. 


On the other hand, it is far from the warm, sunny destination most people associate with the Golden State, so it’s very easy for first-time visitors to overlook a few basic things when planning their visit to the City by the Bay.


With that said, here are some of the biggest mistakes many families make when visiting San Francisco for the first time, and ways you can avoid them then next time you travel to 

San Francisco with children. 


Avoiding these mistake will not only make your family travel more enjoyable, but it’ll also ensure that you and your family don’t miss out on all that San Francisco has to offer, outside of popular touristy spots like Fisherman’s Wharf and Alcatraz.


Leave San Francisco with no regrets, knowing you made the most out of your time here with your adventurous family.

little girl sitting on a log at Baker Beach with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background
All layered up for a cold, sunny day in San Francisco.

Not Wearing Layers

Often times, especially during summer months, you’ll find unsuspecting families wearing t-shirts or short. This is a big no-no that could leave you and the kids feeling uncomfortable and cranky during your stay in San Francisco. 


How to avoid making this mistake.

With San Francisco’s unpredictable weather and microclimates, wearing layers of clothing that you can easily put on and peel off is a must. With layers, you and your kids can easily adjust your clothing to suit the changes in weather. 


What are microclimates in San Francisco?

Basically, the microclimates in San Francisco make it so that the weather conditions in one neighborhood can be much different from the next neighborhood. For example, locals wouldn’t find it surprising if, one day, it was cold and foggy in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset, while, on the same day in the Mission district, the weather was warm and sunny. This is why wearing layers is so important. Layers allow you to adjust to the varying microclimates.


What’s an example of layers?

A simple set of layers might start off with a light undergarment like a camisole or undershirt, followed by a light long-sleeve t-shirt, and then, depending on how cold the weatherman says it’ll get, a sweatshirt or jacket as the top layer. 


Expecting a Sunny Beach Experience

San Francisco is wonderful, but it is not the warm and sunny California that most people imagine. For the most part, the weather is mild all year long, usually hovering in the 60s. This means it’s very rare to experience a hot and sunny beach day in the city. 


This is not a bad thing, however! While many newbie visitors might feel disappointed to not be able to have a California beach day here, it is important to know that San Francisco has some of the most stunning costal views of the Pacific Ocean! Plus, the views of the San Francisco Bay will leave that you and the kids feeling in awe. 


As long  you don’t go into a San Francisco beach day wearing a bathing suit and expecting to go swimming in the water (That water is freezing!), you will find the beach views from the city unforgettable.



How to avoid making this mistake.


Remember that not all beaches in the world are warm and sunny, and San Francisco beaches are some of them.



Look forward to gorgeous views of the endless Pacific Ocean that’ll leave you feeling humbled by the Earth’s power and beauty. 



Expect to see grey clouds and rolling fog, which is all part of San Francisco’s iconic charm. In fact, the San Francisco fog is so loved by San Franciscans, that it has been nicknamed “Karl the Fog” by long-time locals.



Don’t forget to wear layers! Layers! Layers! Layers!


little girl at the beach in front of the golden gate bridge
No sun needed to have a fun beach day in San Francisco.
two girls wearing helmets sitting at Lake Merced in San Francisco
July in San Francisco. No tank tops here!

Expecting Hot Summers

If you’re taking the kids to San Francisco during summer break expecting warm weather and sunshine, you’ll be highly disappointed. Summers in San Francisco rarely get the typical, hot weather we all associate with summers. 


This not necessarily a bad thing, though!  With San Francisco weather being mild and in the 60s most of the year, the temperature outside very rarely gets unbearably cold or sweltering hot. It’s just right, all year long!


How to avoid making this mistake:


As mentioned earlier, part of San Francisco’s charm and beauty is it’s mild weather and fog. Help your kids understand the climate of the city prior to your visit, so that they know exactly what to expect.


Also, check in with the weather forecast before you pack, so you get a general idea of the weather conditions during your visit.


And once again, pack layers!

Not Venturing
Out of the City

What makes San Francisco so wonderful is its proximity to so many other great towns and out door spaces, however, so many visiting families make the mistake of staying within city limits when visiting the San Francisco Bay Area. 


And while San Francisco itself offers so many amazing, kid-friendly activities for your family to enjoy, taking a day trip to somewhere just outside of the urban area will give your family even more unforgettable experiences that the city just cannot offer.


How to avoid making this mistake.

Carve out some time during your San Francisco vacation to get outside the city.


Look into renting a car for a day or find a tour that will take you to popular destinations around the San Francisco Bay Area.


What are some kid-friendly places near San Francisco?


  • Pacifica
  • Half Moon Bay
two girls sitting on a bridge over a bridge in Muir Woods National Monument
Muir Woods is a quick 40-minute drive north of San Francisco.
Photo by Cash Vickers on Unsplash

Eating Only at Touristy Places

Another mistake many families make when visiting San Francisco for the first time is eating only at touristy places like Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39. 


While it is definitely fun eating at popular tourist spots and should absolutely be an experience all travelers have at least once, sticking to restaurants in these areas could have you over-paying for dishes you can find for much less in other parts of the city. 


Plus, there is such a wide range of delicious food available in San Francisco that you can only find when you leave the busy, touristy areas. You will definitely want to expose your kiddos to all the different flavors that San Francisco has to offer.


How to avoid making this mistake:

Make it a point to visit smaller, lesser-known neighborhoods where you’ll find a ton of different types of food.


JAPAN TOWN:  fun for Japanese and Korean food


NORTH BEACH: fun for Italian food


CHINATOWN: the place for great Chinese food


MISSION DISTRICT: the place for great tacos and burritos 


MARINA, HAYES VALLEY, RICHMOND, AND CASTRO DISTRICT: you can find a little bit of everything here. 

Chocolate sundaes from Ghirardelli Square

A trip to San Francisco isn’t complete without indulging in all the delicious 

San Francisco treats. Here is a list of the top 5 iconic San Francisco foods that you and your family will truly love. 



Not Getting an Early Start on Cable Cars

Nothing screams San Francisco like the iconic cable cars. For this reason, they are on many traveler bucket-lists when visiting the City by the Bay, which can make for long lines when boarding this famous form of transportation.


Many new visitors to San Francisco underestimate the long lines for cable cars and make the mistake of getting a late start in the day when trying to experience this iconic tourist attraction.


How to avoid making this mistake: 

Get the family up as early as you can. Cable cars typically start running at 7am and the lines to get on them usually get very long by 10am. Consider rising early, riding the cable car, and then finding a nice spot to have breakfast.


It’s also a good idea to purchase cable car fares ahead of time to cut an any additional waiting time you might potentially encounter. The shorter the wait, the less whining you’ll get from antsy kiddos.



Two girls on a surrey bike in Golden Gate Park
Surrey bike fun in Golden Gate Park.

Golden Gate Park

When visiting San Francisco for the first time, another big mistake many families make is skipping a trip to Golden Gate Park. 



Golden Gate Park might not be the top tourist destination for visitors, but it should definitely not be overlooked by families as it offers far more kid-friendly activities than many of the other more popular tourist spots in the city.



How of avoid making this mistake:


Set aside an entire day in your travel itinerary to explore Golden Gate Park. 



Kid-friendly activities in Golden Gate Park:

To name a few

  • California Academy of Sciences
  • Pedal boating on Stow Lake
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Renting surreys  for a leisurely ride
  • Brunch or lunch at Park Chalet
woman walking through bamboo forest in San Francisco Botanical Gardens

Click below for some of the best things to do in Golden Gate Park with the entire family along with some fun facts about San Francisco’s most beloved, outdoor recreational space.


Expecting to Get a Clear View of the Golden Gate Bridge

Most visiting parents aim to snap the perfect photo of  their kids in front of the Golden Gate Bridge and clear, blue skies.


Unfortunately, since San Francisco’s weather often times consists of fog and overcast skies, this expectation often leads to let down. In fact, sometimes Karl the Fog is so thick, it completely blocks the view of the bridge completely.


How to avoid making this mistake:


Remember that Karl the Fog is almost synonymous to San Francisco. As mentioned early, it is part of the city’s unique charm. 


Walking on the bridge instead of viewing it from afar can give you a better up-close view that even the fog can’t block.


If you do encounter fog on a day you are going to the bridge, it could be fun to have the kids pretend that they’re walking through a magical cloud on the Golden Gate.  After all, that’s basically what they’re doing.

Photo by Riley on Unsplash
San Francisco Bay Bridge at night
Photo by Justin W on Unsplash

Underestimating the Beauty of the
Bay Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is San Francisco’s biggest tourist attractions, and why wouldn’t it be. It has great historical significance and its gorgeous.


However, please don’t overlook the grandeur of the Bay Bridge. Many families make the mistake of simply driving by this massive giant without even stopping to take a photo of it.


The Bay Bridge connect San Francisco to the east side of the bay. It has two levels. The top level is for traffic coming into the city, while the bottom deck leads cars out of the city. It’s bigger and longer than the Golden Gate Bridge and lights up at night with thousands of individually programmed LED lights.


How to avoid this mistake:


During the day, you and the kids can get a great view of the bridge by taking a nice, leisurely stroll along the Embarcadero.


You can can do the same at night when the bridge’s LED bulbs light up the bay to entertain you with a dazzling light show.

lovers lane san francisco presidio
Photo by Albert Dera on Unsplash

Not Exploring the Presidio

Many firsts-time visitors for go a visit to the Presidio of San Francisco, which is really unfortunate since the Presidio has so much to offer for kids to explore. 


The Presidio of San Francisco was a former military post that is now a popular national park site that offers 1,500 acres of outdoor recreational space.


Here, families can see amazing views of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge, have picnic lunches overlooking the water, and take long, nature hikes.


How to avoid making this mistake:

Add these kid-friendly activities to your itinerary.


  • Balance on the winding logs along Lover’s Lane
  • Visit the Walt Disney Family Museum
  • Wander down one of the many hiking trails
  • Pay a visit to the Presidio Tunnel Tops for picnic areas, food trucks, and a great nature-based playground

Not Sorting Trash Properly

This may sound silly, but San Franciscans take their trash seriously, and many visitors who might not be accustomed to a zero-waste mission, might make the mistake of not sorting their trash properly at public trash receptacles. 


Back in 2009, San Francisco made recycling and compost a requirement for all residents and businesses, with the goal of reaching zero waste in the near future.


This means that when you go to throw out your trash during your visit to San Francisco, you won’t simply find trash bins, you’ll also find bins for recycling and compost.


How to avoid making this mistake:


Before your trip, take a second to sit down with your kids to discuss the importance of creating less waste. 

You can also read up on how to sort recycling, compost, and trash, so you’ll know exactly what to do when you come visit San Francisco.


trash and recycling bin
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
woman walking through bamboo forest in San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Botanical Gardens in San Francisco
kid standing in front of an aquarium
California Academy of Sciences
Point Bonita Lighthouse
Point Bonita Lighthouse in Sausalito
In Conclusion

Avoid These Basic Mistakes to Make Your Family Trip to San Francisco Enjoyable and Memorable

Traveling to San Francisco with kids is something all families should to do together at least once.


With its diverse culture, eclectic eats, fun museums, and outdoor recreational spaces, there are plenty of amazing opportunities for your kids to learn and laugh in The City by the Bay.


As long as you avoid these 12 common newbie mistakes when visiting San Francisco, you’re sure to sidestep any annoying inconveniences so you can truly soak in all the amazing things that this beautiful city has to offer.


Oh! And remember to layer up!

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